Catalog excerpts
CRASH CARTS COMPLETE SOLUTION ELEVATING EMERGENCY RESPONSE WITH ADAPTIVE, HYGIENE-CENTRIC CRASH CARTS Stay updated about your Crash Carts with Audit notifications. See pg 11 for more info
OPTIMAL INNOVATION With over 20 years dedicated to studying and understanding the needs of healthcare professionals, our solutions are born from a wealth of expertise. The user’s needs serve as our guiding light, shaping innovations that empower and deliver excellence. From swift and lightweight to resilient and premium quality, we offer everything essential for emergencies. Join us at Pegasus Medical in our journey to create a more efficient and fast emergency response! WORKFLOW 1. Contact us 1-888-276-4750 You can choose accessories, sizes, colors Review our offer...
READY TO SHIP FOR ALL THE WORLD REVOLUTIONARY CRASH CARTS Diverse range of cutting-edge products, each designed to meet specific needs. The Poly Line stands out as a remarkable antimicrobial polymer, ensuring a 100% hygienic solution. For small spaces, the Ecoline 40by40 emerges as the ideal choice, combining practicality and efficiency with its narrow design. Pegasus caters to varied preferences and applications through these innovative offerings. POLY LINE Perfect for narrow spaces! Pegasus Medical .net | Emergency/Crash Carts Solutions | 2
UNIFIED EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS We cater to all emergency scenarios with our diverse range of specialized emergency carts, tailored to every situation and need POLY PEDIATRIC POLY EMERGENCY MULTIPLE CARE & SECURE QUICK OPENING Individual locks allow for simultaneous use in multiple emergencies and enable easy and fast restocking With one pull you can open all the drawers at once FAST & LIGHTWEIGHT Lightweight and easy to maneuver, made from antimicrobial polymers ECOLINE 40by40 ADAPTABLE TO LIMITED SPACES Small footprint allows it to navigate tight spaces 3 | Emergency/Crash Carts Solutions |...
POLY CART Innovating for the future in emergency care, our line now introduces a groundbreaking 100% antimicrobial solution — a revolution in all medical facilities SECURE & LABELED The cart features two different types of locks — an external lock and a seal lock — with breakaway seals and a drawer labeling system, ensuring fast identification and usage of the cart’s content LIGHTWEIGHT & RESISTENCE Crafted from advanced polymer materials, this cart not only prioritizes durability and resistance but also ensures exceptional lightweight performance OVERIDE LOCK Disable all locks in case of...
DRAWER LABELING SYSTEM QUICK SWITCH The drawer labeling system is designed to allow for a quick switch of labels as needed RAPID IDENTIFICATION The labeling system allows for quick and easy identification of the contents of each drawer EXTERNAL LOCK QUICK OPENING With one pull you can open all the drawers at once RELIABLE Being independent of an internal mechanical locking system guarantees lifetime access CLEAR & SAFE Easy to see when the cart’s contents were utilized PLY-EXLK SEAL LOCK A sealed lock allows for a quick visual inspection to verify whether the cart has been accessed. This...
POLY CART Enhanced organization, facilitates inventory management and reduces response time CLEAR & ORGANIZED Equipped internally with baskets of various dimensions and multiple dividers, the cart incorporates an internal labeling system FAST & SECURE The emergency hospital cart features four 5-inch swivel wheels for smooth rotation and quick movement, with two front wheels providing stability during stationary periods and critical procedures. Optionally, it can be equipped with a directional lock for fast, straight movement in long corridors TAILORED SOLUTION Tailor our emergency cart to...
ACCESSORIES A range of accessories to fit your exigencies Side Push Shelf PLY-SSHLF-R (right) PLY-SSHLF-L (left) Inside of Drawers: Baskets, diverders and Labeling System Single glovebox holder S-GBH-ABS Adjustable oxygen cylinder holder OXBH-KIT Cardiac board PLY-CARBACKB Hazard Bin holder HAZ-BIB-H Override Lock: Capable of disabling all locks UNIQUE feature Wheels Swivel 5" castor with total lock (Standard) Swivel 5" castor with directional lock (Optional) Swivel 4" dual castor total lock & directional lock (Optional - cart height decreases by 1") PLY-D4CST-DT Pegasus Medical .net |...
PEDIATRIC POLY CART Optimizing pediatric emergency response MULTIPLE CARE Individual locks allow for simultaneous use in multiple emergencies and enable easy and fast restocking QUICK & CLEAR Fast opening with one pull, and easy to see which drawers were utilized RELIABLE Being independent of an internal mechanical locking system guarantees lifetime access 9 | Emergency/Crash Carts Solutions | Pegasus Medical .net
BROSELOW DRAWER LABELING SYSTEM EFFORTLESS LABEL ADAPTATION The Broselow drawer labeling system facilitates quick label switches, ensuring adaptability to changing pediatric emergency needs RAPID IDENTIFICATION PLY-BRSLW-SET The labeling system allows for quick and easy identification of the contents of each drawer EXTERNAL SINGLE DRAWER LOCK ENSURE SAFETY The Broselow Configuration, with its individual set of breakaway locks, enables quick and clear use for multiple care, promoting faster access and restocking. It equips medical staff with a swift and accurate response during critical...
CRASH CART CONTROL Audit & Manage all your facilities Emergency/ Crash Carts with one simple web-app Push Notification CHOOSE CART Some items are nearing their expiration dates Daily Audit Monthly Audit Expiration Date Information & Alerts Placehold for Images Daily Audit 11 | Emergency/Crash Carts Solutions | Pegasus Medical .net Monthly Audit Home Screen Push Notification
y/ DECREASE LIABILITY Every audit is logged with team member details and can be filtered by relevant criteria, effectively reducing hospital liability y/ AUDIT NOTIFICATIONS Receive alerts regarding failure to perform daily/monthly cart audits, eliminating human errors and forgetfulness ✓ EXPIRATION PUSH ALERTS Receive notifications for expiring or low supplies, and stay informed about the status and functionality of all equipment GREEN INITIATIVE Every crash cart has its unique QR code that provides online access to all reports and audits for that specific cart Scan the code for instant...